Managerial Leadership & High Performing Teams
Success of any organisation depends directly on effective managerial leadership. Leaders energize the organisation to meet the competitive challenges and to serve demanding needs of the customer. Effective leadership provides the basis for effective use of all the resources to achieve the organisational goals. Therefore the managers must have ideas, a framework, a plan and competencies to lead the organisation towards its desired goal.
In the competitive world organisations all over the world have realized the importance of continuous learning guided by the dynamic leadership, and the need to develop capabilities of individuals to work as a team.
Keeping above in view the programme has been designed to provide inputs for managerial leadership and team-building to equip the participants for building high performing teams in their areas of control.
Program Objectives:
- To discuss the importance of Managerial Leadership and High Performing Teams.
- Understanding significance of Managerial Leadership and their impact on organization.
- To provide the participants an opportunity for sharing of practical experiences on the subject.
- To create an opportunity to gain insight into the process of team building.
- Managerial Leadership: New Roles & Skills
- Managerial Decision-making & Team Problem Solving
- Managerial Leadership: Traits & Approaches
- Leadership: Skills & Styles
- Team Leadership
- Teamwork & Teambuilding Strategies
- Conflicts Management
- Employee Empowerment
- Leading & Managing Change
- Performance Appraisal
- Knowledge Management
Participant Profile:
Senior and middle level executives from various functions of government departments, Private sector, Public sector, Co-operative sectors, Corporations, Banks, Financial Institutions, Service & Autonomous organisations, TEQIP, NHM, Educational & Research Organisations etc
Program Fee:
Rs. 45000/- plus GST @ 185.00% payable through Cheque / Draft drawn in favour of "Jaipur Productivity Centre, Jaipur" payable at Jaipur. Details for the payment by ECS can be provided, if required. PAN : AABTJ3316K and GST Regn. No. 08AABTJ3316K1ZN.
For accompanying spouse the charges would be approximately Rs.6500/- payable