About Us
Jaipur Productivity Centre (JPC), is an autonomous not-for-profit organisation established to promote productivity culture in India. JPC provides Consultancy, Training and Undertakes Research in the areas of Productivity.
Our Major activity is to promote productivity consciousness in Government Departments/Organizations, Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), Corporates, Banks, Small & Medium industries, Co-operative Societies, Research Organizations and Educational Institutions through Managerial Skills, Management Innovation, Modernisation, Human Resource Development (HRD) and e-Governance.
We team up with client organizations to work out solutions for enhancing productivity performance and competitiveness. We guide our customers for better Decision Making, Improved System & Procedures and betterment in work culture.
Our mission is to contribute to creation of Productivity Culture in our country. We are engaged to Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Exploration and facilitating effective utilisation of available knowledge in various organisations.
We facilitate productivity management through consultancy and training of various levels of employees of diverse organisations.